DQYDJ – which stands for Don't Quit Your Day Job... – is a finance and investing website founded in 2009. Wherever possible we show the source and methodology behind our posts, and we love to add interactive features, tools, and calculators to our posts.
We provide you with the research and tools you need to manage your own career and investments – without making it a full time job.
DQYDJ: The Beginnings
(by PK)
I had only been in the workforce for a few years when the Great Recession hit.
It was devastating.
My coworkers watched helplessly as their life savings cut in half in a matter of months. The dire conditions compounded the pain; my company froze compensation to deal with the downfall and I watched as teammates sold the market lows.
You can imagine how that affected my company's – and my – psyche. I vowed then to always be prepared for whatever the economy had in store.
Driven by the naïveté of youth, a voracious appetite for investing books, and the motivation from a worsening recession I talked to friends and colleagues about finance.
More importantly, I wrote emails.
One day, I penned an email to two of my friends encouraging them to sign up for the company Employee Stock Purchase Program. It went viral internally.

More than one older coworker told me they liked my writing: Did I have a website?
I brushed it off – it's not like I was going to quit my day job to write.
(The website gears were already in motion, though!)
In May of 2009, I founded Don't Quit Your Day Job... to continue the discussion. We've since tackled a huge array of topics: investing, finance, economics, technology, politics... and even fantasy football.
Hundreds of interactive tools, thousands of articles, tens of thousands of subscribers, and millions of page views later, DQYDJ is a trusted source for statistics, economics, and financial strategies.
You trust us to lucidly approach complicated subjects, shine the light on little known topics, and most importantly – provide you the links and sources you need to end arguments!
Thank you for your interest and attention. I hope you're the next one to subscribe, follow us, friend us, mail us, or comment. I can't wait to see what the next decade has in store.
-PK, Founder Don't Quit Your Day Job...
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If applicable: read the criteria for guest posts, sponsorships, and advertising in the FAQ before writing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Writes for DQYDJ?
Don't Quit Your Day Job... regularly features two – ahem, two and a half – writers.
• PK - PK is the owner, lead writer, webmaster, and editor.
• Cameron Daniels - Cameron has been a writer for DQYDJ since the beginning.
• Bryan - Bryan has been around since the beginning and writes when the spirit moves him.
What's PK's Biography?
PK is in his thirties and married with two kids and a dog. He started DQYDJ in 2009. His day job is at Twilio, where he writes code and prose (and – when circumstances allow – works events).
He's been a Software and Computer Engineer in fields as disparate as defense and semiconductors. PK has also worked extensively as a writer and editor, and is an expert in Content Marketing and SEO.
Nowadays he writes mainly prose, JavaScript, Python, R, and C++... and PHP by necessity (mostly for DQYDJ).
When the mood strikes, PK designs hardware and firmware (often for IoT). His PCB EDA software of choice is KiCad.
What's Cameron's Biography?
Cameron is thirty-something and lives in the East. He currently works as an Analyst for an online marketplace.
His formal education is in Mathematics and Economics from a University in the Midwest (where variables lurk not confound).
Cameron's worked in defense, auto lending, consumer credit, and everywhere in between. He's also worked in a few places in the US - from the Silicon Prairie to the Pacific Northwest to New England to Silicon Valley to the Southwest.
What's Bryan's Biography?
Bryan is thirty-something and lives in New England.
He's an Electro-Mechanical Engineer by trade. He's specialized in metal super alloy 3D printing, robotic automation integration, and customized serial manufacturing.
His personality resides somewhere between ironic comedic sarcasm and romantic philosophical post-modernism.
What are your terms of service? What is your privacy policy?
You can find our terms of service, disclosures, and privacy policy on this page.
Are you investment advisors?
No, none of our authors are investment advisors. Nor are we tax advisors.
Note: we do not offer individual advice. DQYDJ is a general financial and business publication.
Please consult your own advisor if you have any doubt or questions about a strategy or theory. We only offer general commentary and analysis on financial topics and strategies. See our disclosures for more.
How much traffic does DQYDJ receive? From what sources?
Don't Quit Your Day Job... served over 10 million page views in 2022. On a typical weekday, we host between 35,000 and 45,000 page views.
A majority of DQYDJ's traffic is organic.
What is DQYDJ's content schedule?
We try to write new posts – which go out to RSS, email, and social – once a week, but at least once a month.
Also, expect us to improve DQYDJ pages and past posts often. These changes will not notify all subscribers.
Behind the scenes, optimizations, refreshes, and tweaks are constant. We manually refresh data for some calculators, update older posts, and combine and tweak old content.
A majority of our calculators automatically refresh backing data on a schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly depending on the post).
Do you offer display advertising?
Yes, we offer banner ad and interstitial ad placement on DQYDJ.
For all display inventory, please fill out the contact form. If you're a fit, we will introduce you to our advertising representatives at Mediavine.
Do you accept guest posts? Do you offer sponsorships or sponsored posts?
Yes! DQYDJ loves guest posts. We have strict rules before accepting a post though:
- You must be a reasonably established writer (12 months+)
- We have to know about you and have talked (email, social, local)
- You must be a small team or single blogger (no corporate blogs or sites)
- Your content must suit our audience
Meet those criteria? We'd love to host your post!
Do not mail us seeking guest post placement when you're looking for sponsored links. We probably won't even reply.