Author: PK

PK started DQYDJ in 2009 to research and discuss finance and investing and help answer financial questions. He's expanded DQYDJ to build visualizations, calculators, and interactive tools. PK lives in New Hampshire with his wife, kids, and dog.
Marginal Tax Rates Versus Effective Tax Rates

Have you ever seen an election season so dedicated to the intricacies of taxes? Mitt Romney must be glad he paid accountants to run the numbers, since just 4 years ago I seem to recalls number of issues with TurboTax. So yes, I've never heard this much ranting and raving about taxes, even though the last time a very rich person from Massachusetts ran for President there were many similarities. So, let's talk a little bit about two different things - 'Marginal' rates and 'Effective' rates.

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The DQYDJ Weekender, 10/27/2012

My apologies for not getting a Weekender to you all last week, I didn't have time to step away and […]

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How to Get Started Investing When You're Hopelessly Clueless (Or Don't Care!)

Don't Quit Your Day Job is primarily a site for musing about the absolutely most efficient way of going about things. We don't generally waste our time with saving pennies, frugality, or lifestyle constriction - most of our readers are on a solid path of spending less than they earn, saving, and investing. That said, we haven't been that accommodating to one particular crowd, a crowd we have previously taken to calling 'low information investors'.

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Do We Have Too Much Choice?

I approach the question of 'choice' with a sort of morbid curiosity.  The idea that, perhaps, less is better isn't […]

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What Does Your Weight Say About Your Net Worth?

Right here on the pages of DQYDJ you've seen us discuss what your level of attractiveness means for your salary, and whether benefits for the homely made sense. Let's go a step further - since we know that salaries are affected by your weight, what does your belt size say about your net worth?

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The DQYDJ Weekender, 10/13/2012

Who else is watching Notre Dame - Stanford today?  For my own reasons, I'm rooting for ND... even though Cameron […]

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Which State Benefits the Most from the Mortgage Interest Deduction?

The last time we talked about the mortgage interest deduction, I shared with you a chart on the percentage of returns in each income group taking the mortgage interest deduction. Today let's take it a step father and look at the mortgage interest deduction geographically.

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The DQYDJ Weekender, 10/06/2012

Hey, did you know that you can hear our boring voice and dry humor in audio format?  That's right - […]

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When Stupid Ideas Go Mainstream: Algebra on the Chopping Block

When you own a website, sometimes you need to type out an article and lay out your lamentations about the decline of something in your culture. Usually, this coincides with hitting a certain age and believing "that wasn't the case when I was a kid". I don't have any excuse like that; my cynicism is a reaction to a perfect storm of articles in recent days which, far from moving the Overton Window, broke the window and ripped out all the framing. Heck, it probably knocked down the wall.

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The Relationship Between Mortgage Rates and Home Prices

We've got a treat for you today - a spiffy graph we created with Google Drive (née Documents). Thanks to […]

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