Today we're going to delve into Income Equality, a topic which has been fresh in the American collective consciousness ever […]
Today we're going to delve into Income Equality, a topic which has been fresh in the American collective consciousness ever […]
Ahh, the weekend. Let's do it. Links We Like! JT at Money Mamba does an interesting exercise where he compares […]
In the episode of the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror VII, you can find one of the most poignant cultural references ever made by a cartoon:
Homer: America, take a good look at your beloved candidates. They're nothing but hideous space reptiles!
Kodos: It's true, we are aliens... but what are you going to do about it? It's a two-party system; you have to vote for one of us!
Man1: He's right, this is a two-party system!
Man2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate...
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote away!
Of course, Ross Perot is then show punching a hole in a "Perot '96" hat.
So, let's say that you aren't completely happy with either Democratic President Barack Obama or Republican Candidate Mitt Romney. What's a budding protester to do?
Special thanks this week goes to blogress Andrea at So Over This for her assistance steering DQYDJ towards its new […]
I don't know who said it originally... but I always hated that quote. In my mind, if you win every game with a strong offense, what difference does defense make? If your defense is good enough for your offense to prevail, well, then you'll prevail.
On that note, I have more than half a million dollars in debt and I only pay the minimum payments.
Remember my fantasy squad I posted about? 1-0, baby. So far, so good!
Subtitle: Until You Read This Article.
I'm not one for hyperbole... I'm more of a "here's the data, deal with it" person, but I'll make a vast blanket statement for you today. You see, you may not care too much either way about the whole 'fiscal cliff' scenario, where an expiration of the so-called 'Bush Tax Cuts' of 2001 and 2003 would reset to their previous levels. Perhaps you make under $200,000 as a single or $250,000 as a couple, so if the cuts expire and President Obama extends them in a second term you wouldn't worry too much. Fine - I won't spend this article discussing what the appropriate level of taxation is for the many strata of incomes earned in this country. However, I do want to draw your attention to the insidious effect of rolling back the 2001/3 cuts - namely, how the code characterizes dividends.
So I drafted in the only Fantasy Football league I'm participating in. It's a 10 man, and I was the guy who went with the MJD/Rashad Jennings handcuff (risk tolerance: extreme!). Anyone want to grade my draft for a 10 person league? (I've come in second two years in a row; be harsh!)
Let's take just a moment out of our Fridays to recognize something amazing - that there is a new largest company in the history of the world, emerging during an economic climate charitably described as middling. That's right - Apple Inc (née Apple Computer), currently trading at 667, boasts the largest market capitalization of all time at $624.9 Billion. The previous leader? Microsoft, who touched $616.3 billion back in December 1999.