Author: PK

PK started DQYDJ in 2009 to research and discuss finance and investing and help answer financial questions. He's expanded DQYDJ to build visualizations, calculators, and interactive tools. PK lives in New Hampshire with his wife, kids, and dog.
Who Paid Income Taxes in 2009? The Generational Warfare Edition!

Been reading DQYDJ for a while? Good. You know that looking at data from a different angle yields very interesting insights.

Here's one interesting thing: the federal income tax code benefits 18 to 35 year olds at the expense of 45 to 65 year olds. How do I figure? The IRS helpfully posted data for 2009 (links are xls files) on both the amount of income made by age group and the amount of Federal income taxes paid after credits. So, should the Silent Generation and Baby Boom Generation be mad at Generations X and Y? Partially! Read on.

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Should You Get a Degree or Drive a Truck?

Admit it – when you woke up today you asked yourself this very question – “is it better to go to college or to become a truck driver?“. Well, so did we here at DQYDJ. Inspired by a Twitter conversation from our friends JT at MoneyMamba and Matt Allen at Rambling Fever, we had to ask… how much do recently minted college graduates make when compared to their truck driving contemporaries? I think we can fairly classify this as an ‘epic post’ – make sure you fully understand my methodology before complaining… then complain all you want in my comments section!

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The DQYDJ Weekender (Week of 11/21/11)

Ahh, another week, another Weekender! How many of you are getting sick of turkey leftovers already (our spread, with half of the turkey carved is show above!)? Fight through it, read some articles, and react to my stupid musings.

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Is College Worth It?

Lost in all of the discussion about the $1 Trillion in student loan debt, there being more student loan debt than credit card debt, Occupiers asking for student loan forgiveness, and even whether certain concentrations should receive loans with higher interest rates is an important question: Is college worth it?

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Should the Less Attractive Receive Additional Benefits?

Why not go for the gold?  I already asked you if lower salaried majors should pay higher rates on student loans and if higher salaried majors should pay higher tuition.  Inspired by a recent post on the Freakonomics blog, I present to you another controversial (yet interesting) question for you to ponder.  Should the less attractive receive benefits commensurate with their disadvantages due to their looks?

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The DQYDJ Weekender (Week of 11/14/11)

Welcome to the first edition of the weekender - DQYDJ's weekly update. Previously I had tossed these things out like flyers in Vegas, but this format should allow me to make things a little more interesting for your reading pleasure. Truth is... blogs don't update as much on weekends. Well, we like to refer to DQYDJ as a web site (Aristocrats!). What's the difference? There is none, really. Call us whatever you want. Just remember we update on weekends.

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When You Should Hold Municipal Bonds in Your Portfolio (And Why!)

A municipal bond, often termed a “muni”, is a fixed-income instrument  issued by a local government, city, township or agency. […]

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"I M BrkN ^ w/ U" - Ever Broken Up With Someone by Text, Email or Facebook Message?

If you've been reading our stuff for a while, you know that we here at DQYDJ are one of the more cynical feeds in your RSS reader. Well, today we'd like to share with you one more piece of evidence on why our cynicism is justified.

A recently released survey from lab42 went where you only dared to dream: Lab42 asked 550 social media users about their digital life and how it related to their personal lives. One sign of the times: 33% of social media users had broken up with someone by Text, Email or Facebook. Slightly more depressingly, 40% of users would consider using that method to ditch their significant other.

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All About Credit Cards and the Perfect Credit Card Spending Strategy

Credit cards get a bad rap - one that is not entirely deserved. I've got this working theory that it has to do with their name - the term 'credit' may mean 'ability to obtain resources based on a future payoff', but the card is named entirely wrong: If the only purpose of your credit cards is to purchase things on credit you are doing things completely wrong. The true beauty of credit cards is that they are a liquidity tool; credit cards allow you constant access to funding... whenever you need it.  So, let's look at the perfect strategy for turning your credit cards into liquidity cards!

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Should Engineers and Business Majors Pay Higher Tuition?

Last time I angered all of you by asking if certain majors should pay higher rates for their student loans. Now I ask you a subtly different question: Should some majors pay more in tuition? I ask you this question on the weekend, as it is lighter on math (for reasons that will be explained), and the fact that I'm likely highly biased, being a Software Engineer and all. Let's not let that affect the daily editions of DQYDJ, okay?

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