Author: PK

PK started DQYDJ in 2009 to research and discuss finance and investing and help answer financial questions. He's expanded DQYDJ to build visualizations, calculators, and interactive tools. PK lives in New Hampshire with his wife, kids, and dog.
Carnivals and Links, Week of May 3

Carnivals (2) and links (5) for the week!

Not: new articles when I get my new video card and monitor. Let's go FedEx!

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Carnivals and Links, Week of April 26

Articles and carnivals for the week!

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Spam Says: Recession Over!

In Economics, there is a concept of 'leading' and 'lagging' indicators. 'Leading' indicators predict economic activity in the future- they are statistics which give a decent idea how things will be soon. 'Lagging' indicators are the opposite; they signal performance in the recent past. Is it possible that there is a leading indicator of the economy that we all experience? According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, our spam email messages have become more bullish over the past few months.

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Carnivals and Links, Week of April 19

Carnivals and Links for the Week!

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VAT Rumblings

The "VAT", the so-called value-added tax, has received some attention here before at Don't Quit Your Day Job. Unfortunately for everyone, it probably will receive a bunch more in the future. Fresh off Paul Volker's comments to the New York Historical Society putting the VAT in play, the United States could be getting a VAT of its own. As pointed out in this very good article at Super-Economy, the US is the only county in the OECD that doesn't have a Value-Added Tax.

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Tax Freedom Day!

Recently we've been giving you lots of information on that most popular of topics- the income tax! We here at DQYDJ see no need to tone down our articles on taxes at this point... something about this date (maybe it has something to do with the April 15 tax deadline?) makes tax articles popular. Anyway, thanks to the Tax Foundation, we have an interesting measurement of tax - the number of days you have to work to be free and clear of the burden of tax, otherwise known as Tax Freedom Day!

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Which Political Demographics Watch Which Sports?

From the offbeat category comes this awesome data set found through the National Journal. Scarborough USA, a joint undertaking of market research companies Nielsen and Arbitron surveyed 218,000 people between August 2008 and September 2009 to try to figure out the political leanings of sports viewers. Surveyors tried to figure out both how viewers self-identified politically, and also their likelihood to vote. This data has been published, and here is is (on ManyEyes!) for you to play with!

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Facebook Stalking... From Banks? Do Companies Check Your Social Media Accounts?

You already screen out embarrassing photos from you Facebook profile. Do you soon have to start screening out your credit-unworthy friends? That's the gist of an article that appeared in PC World: those you associate with online may be reflected in the credit offers you receive when you apply for credit.

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Links and Carnivals, Week of March 22

A collection of article links and carnivals for the week.

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Job-Hopping's Last Hurrah?

How has the recession been affecting the job market? A new report from the research firm Towers Watson says that workers are tending to stick with the same employer as long as possible in the midst of the current recession (US Workers were surveyed in November and December). The number of workers in the survey who say they want to work for a single company or two or three companies is an impressive 79%.

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Don't Quit Your Day Job...

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