
The Relics: Len Penzo's Hidden Talents!

Last year I emailed Len Penzo about doing a "paper vs. plastic?" post for one of his "Letters, I Get Letters" articles. Len, as you know, is a plastics guy at heart, but he loved the idea so he sent me something awesome - his band's CD, "In Retrospect". You see, Len is more than an awesome blogger, his talents run much deeper. He was in a band, The Relics, which released an album on Blind Dog Records back in 1995. He also had an awesome haircut, which I have evidence of in the article!

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Real Bay Area Income and Home Calculator, 2011 Edition!

A couple of weeks back, we here at DQYDJ tried to get some Bay Area street cred with our screed on how Bay Area house prices make more sense than one might think (please read that article if you are genuinely interested in our model). After being informed by the readers on the Bay Area home site Burbed that our definition of the Inner Bay Area (the 'Real Bay Area') was too large, we're back for another pass. Thanks to Burbed's super-intelligent head editor Madhaus and a huge amount of comments we're back with two calculators we're titling "The Burbed and DQYDJ Real Bay Area Calculators!". Since all Bay Areans hope for 7.2% annual home value returns (check it - doubling every ten years!), we hope everyone will enjoy this little demonstration of the absurd amounts of wealth that the place we call home generates.

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Carnivals, Links and the Yakezie Challenge, Week of 10/10/2011

Carnivals we entered, articles we liked, and for the first time, our entry to the Yakezie Challenge.

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Inflation in the US: What's the Market Telling Us?

One of the things we like to do here at Don't Quit Your Day Job is to reveal interesting things hiding in plain sight. One of those things: subtracting the Daily Treasury Real Yield rate from the Daily Treasury Yield rate gives you a good idea of the market's expectations of inflation. Even though media prognosticators won't agree on whether we're in for a deflationary era, hyperinflation, or a whole lot of nothing, you can get a reasonable prediction from market data. Our explanation is below, along with the limitations of this method.

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The Roth IRA and Why (Most of) You Need One Yesterday

It's a topic we've covered here at DQYDJ before, and we'll definitely do it again in the future. Every once and a while everyone needs a reminder: if you qualify, open a Roth IRA. If you have one and you aren't funding it: do it. Here's a rehashing of why!

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Rest In Peace Steve Jobs.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011

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Refinance Your Mortgage and Pay the Same Amount? A Calculator to Determine if it's Worth It!

There is a mortgage strategy variously described in different corners of the internet where a mortgage is refinanced... and payments stay steady. For this strategy, a borrower is currently paying some monthly payment, and will continue to pay the exact same monthly payment after their mortgage is refinanced. The benefits are usually explained as an acceleration of mortgage payments and a "guaranteed investment return". You may find yourself in a situation where you are considering this form of accelerated mortgage payments. Is it worth it? Let's run the numbers and find out!

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Carnivals and Links, Week of 10/3/2011

Another week, more featured articles and links.

We're on a roll recently, we cleaned up the front page of the site - let us know if you like the changes and our Twitter follower count is now up to six! (0 to 6 in a week is an infinite percentage increase.)

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Is Frugality Overrated?

Writers on personal finance blogs and websites are, on the whole, a frugal bunch. The reasons we started our respective sites are varied - influence, to chronicle paying off our debts, the spread uncommon knowledge, altruism, or merely to build a stage to have our financial opinions heard. Our readers are a much more diverse bunch. While most all people have to deal with their own finances, our readers come to us with their finances in various stages of disarray. While us writers, as a whole, have our finances in order (or at least on the right track), some of our articles tend to preach to the converted. I feel there is an overabundance of frugality articles in our corner of the internet - so I ask, "Is Frugality Overrated?".

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A Mortgage Refinance Calculator to Help You Decide if You Should Refi!

Conceptually, it's easy to grasp why and when you should refinance your mortgage. In practice, inertia is the main reason people hold back from refinancing. With that in mind, we present these mortgage calculator which will allow you to see how your current mortgage will compare with the mortgage you are considering. Perhaps if the math is enticing, you'll shop around? Enjoy!

We'd like to thank Hugh Chou for compiling the equations that we needed to create this calculator, and Ironman at Political Calculations for providing the calculator framework.

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