Below is an absolute value calculator, which will return the positive absolute value of any number you input.
Absolute Value Calculator
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What is the Absolute Value?
Absolute value is a number's distance from zero, or its non-negative value. Whether a number is negative or not, the absolute value is just the part without regard to the sign.
Formula for Absolute Value
The formula for absolute value of a number is:
if\ x\geq0:\ |x| = x\\if\ x<0:\ |x| = x*(-1)
So, if a number is below zero multiply it by -1, or drop the sign in your head. Otherwise, pass it through un-adjusted.
Using the Absolute Value Calculator
To use the absolute value calculator, enter the number you'd like to find the absolute value for in the Input box. Then, click the Compute Absolute Value button.
We'll return the number's absolute value in the Absolute Value box.
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