Is it just me, or has there been a huge decline in activity on other personal finance sites? Maybe it's just me... anyway, we're still around and here's another weekender!
Is it just me, or has there been a huge decline in activity on other personal finance sites? Maybe it's just me... anyway, we're still around and here's another weekender!
It wasn't that long ago that we featured an article here at Don't Quit Your Day Job about gambling in America. Knowing that 5.566% of our visitors are Canadian (for the record, 70.175% of visits originate from America and .474% are unknown), I figured we should shine our flashlight on the Land of the Loonie.
(For the uninitiated, that's the currency, not a comment on our northern pals).
Random musing,s links, and places that liked us in the last week...
One of our favorite things to debate here on DQYDJ is the validity of the inflation rate. On the whole, we think that the method the government uses to track inflation is a decent gauge of the prices an 'average person' in America pays for a particular basket of goods.
That strict definition is where many of you have a problem. Who among us is a 'typical person', who spends their money in the exact proportions as the average of all Americans? Well, no one.
Do we have a good excuse for not doing this in February? No, we don't. Please, accept our virtual apologies and enjoy our predictions for the closing price of SPY on April 20, June 15, and January 18 (2013)!
From the coding that never ends department, fixed the Feedburner script so that whenever it receives a '0' for one of the last 7 days it doesn't update the subscriber count. Of course, Feedburner had to go and test that theory by marking the subscribers as '0' for a whole day... and we'll be stuck at 131 subscribers for at least 2 more days. Well, it's better than when it was showing 81!
We have dealt a lot recently with historically low interest rates and their implications on not only the cost of housing and mortgages, but also implications for consumer credit and inflation. Although we have explained home price affordability in the San Francisco Bay Area before, we haven’t discussed the large variance in regional real estate prices.
There is a ticking financial time bomb in the portfolio of many investors, especially those of us with a Day Job. This time bomb is scary because the way the product is purported to work is so different from the way it works in practice. What am I talking about? Well, you clicked the article (or scrolled in your RSS reader)... I'm talking about leveraged ETFs.
Yeah, I know, I've been too lazy to fix my php on the Feedburner subscribers to the right - so it fluctuates 20 or more readers a day. I'll get to it... maybe even today!
Before the primaries move on to Kansas and various territories (the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Marianas), it's time to take a quick look back at how far the four remaining candidates have come - in both votes and delegates!