On this page is a factor calculator, which will find all of the factors of a number you input. For this calculator, it includes all integers which divide your input evenly, including the number 1 and itself.
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Factor Calculator
What is a Factor?
A factor is an integer which divides another number with no remainder. A factor is the decomposition of a number to evenly divisible parts. Factors almost always are taken for positive numbers.
For example, the number 6 has the factors 3 and 2. (It also has the number 6 and 1, as you can multiple 1*6 to equal 6).
An interesting application for factors is with prime numbers. Primes are numbers which can only be divided by '1' or themselves equally; there is no further way to reduce them. When you do prime factorization, you find all of the primes that make up a number when multiplied together – even if a prime number appears more than once.
Using the Factor Calculator
To use the factor calculator, simply enter a number into the Number to Factor box. Leave the Factor Types pull-down as All Numbers (unless you want to only see primes).
Then, hit the Factor Number button. The tool will return all factors that divide your number equally, including 1 and the number itself. If you enter a negative number or a prime, you'll only get the number back and 1.
Next, try our other tools.