Links from the week of January 4!
Merry Christmas Eve to all my Christian readers, I've got a gift for you a day early. What if you could take your credit card now, make it so you can't run a balance, and add an annual fee? Sound like something you might be interested in? Me neither. However, that's exactly how a charge card compares to a traditional credit card.
Is Journalism, as suggested by the Washington Post's Michael Gerson, dying a slow death? Or is Mr. Gerson simply being melodramatic? The issue boils down to how you define journalism. If journalism- in the mold of the traditional magazine and newspaper journalism- is dying, is that the end of news? Tough questions, for sure, but what is the goal of media? To train journalists?
One pays a dividend, has enterprise value, and has the potential for growth. One is a piece of metal long accepted as a store of value. Which one do you invest in: gold (or silver) mining stocks, or gold (or silver!) itself?