On this page is a percent change calculator. Enter two numbers and we'll calculate the percentage change to go from one to the other.
Percent Change Calculator
What is the Percent Change Formula?
The percentage change formula is:
It's straightforward to find the percentage change with a start and final value.
- Subtract the final number from the first number (this might result in a negative - that is fine)
- Divide the result by the initial number
- Multiply by 100
The number that you are left with is the percentage change from the first to second. Next, let's walk through the calculation together.
Percent Change Formula Example
Now, let's work an example.
If your initial number was 200 and your final number was 250, that's a 25% increase. Let's walk through the formula:
Using the Percent Change Calculator
First, enter a starting value. Next, hit the final value. Once satisfied, simply hit the calculate button to compute the percentage change.
The percent change calculator is a version of these calculators:
Next see the other calculators and tools.