Here is a right logical shift calculator or zero fill right shift calculator. Enter a number to convert to 32 bit binary, plus the number of spaces to shift to the right, and the tool will return the result after the logical shift.
With a logical shift, the shift will leave leading zeroes and results are always positive, see the right arithmetic shift calculator to shift all digits and maintain sign.
Right Logical Shift Calculator
Using the Right Logical Shift Calculator
To use the right logical shift calculator, enter a number to shift right in the "Number to Shift" field in the tool. Then, in the "Steps" field, enter how many digits to shift the number to the right.
Once happy with the inputs, click the "Calculate Right Logical Shift" button.
The result will show up in the "Shifted Number" field, already shifted and converted to integer:
Right Logical Shift Example
Behind the scenes, the tool is using a 32-bit binary number representation of your input. It then shifts it the number of spaces you'd like to move, adding a '0' to the front of the number (which will not preserve negative numbers - all results are positive).
Let's walk through the screenshotted example a step at a time to see how it works:
4 >>>2 = 1\\(steps)\\ 100\ (4) >>>2=\\ 010\ (2)>>>1=\\ 001\ (1)
In a logical shift, you don't preserve the first binary digit, instead adding a 0. That is, if you have a negative number, you will now have a positive number because the leading '1' rolled off. Use the right arithmetic shift calculator to preserve sign.
Other Binary Calculator
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