Below is a percentage average calculator, which will calculate the arithmetic mean of a list of percentages. Enter as many percentages as you like – with or without the percentage sign – and we'll tell you the average.
Percentage Average Calculator
What is the Percentage Average or Percentage Arithmetic Average?
The average (or the mean) of a set of percentages is a number that represents or summarizes the whole set. It's a measure of the central tendency of the percentages.
Most commonly, this type of average is actually the arithmetic mean (see our basic average calculator) – the number you get when adding all the numbers in a set then dividing by the number of numbers. That's the same method this tool takes – it adds up all the percentages you input, then divides.
Of course, there are other types of averages:
- Geometric mean – the average you get when multiplying n numbers in a set together then taking the set's nth root. For financial returns, look to this type.
- Harmonic mean – the average you get when dividing the length of a set of (non-zero) numbers by the sum of their reciprocals. This is how you compute average speed, and is useful in a few other fields.
There are plenty more means, but that'll give you a couple to play with on your visit here today. Enjoy!
Formula for Percentage Arithmetic Average
The formula for the arithmetic average of a set of percentages is:
average = \frac{a_1\%+a_2\%+...+a_{n-1}\%+a_n\%}{n}
Written as a series, it is:
average=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i-1}^{n} a_i\%
Stated another way: add up every number in a set, then divide by the number of numbers in the set. Let's work through an example together.
Example Percentage Average Calculation
Let's say you want to take the average of 4 percentages: 10%, 6%, 27%, and 103%. Here's how it works:
Using the Percentage Average Calculator
In the text box at the top, enter a list of percentages to average. Use the whole number percentage, as in "6%" not the number ".06".
When happy, simply hit the Compute Average button below and DQYDJ will find the arithmetic average of the percentages.
Try one of these percentage tools next:
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