The "because we finally entered an article into a carnival again" edition!
- "Tax Freedom Day!" was featured in the Carnival of Personal Finance this week, at Punch Debt in the Face. If you don't go for the articles, go for the pictures! Seriously though, you should go...
Featured Articles
...because I have a soap box!
- "Real Estate Agents: Why You Rarely Get What You Pay For". I've never sold a home, but I know I'd feel like a chump if I admitted to Len I went with the generic 6% cut real estate plan! Also, I owe him one album review!
- "Time For a Flat-Rate Income Tax" - I like Bret because he writes interesting articles (and comments here!). Tax simplicity is becoming a major problem - the instructions booklet for the lowly 1040 grows every year, and the federal income tax seems more and more arbitrary. How would you change the tax code?
- "Touching Money Has Always Made Me Feel Better 😉" Is it weird I reached into my wallet after reading this?
- "Should I Use the Energy Tax Credit For a New Central Air Conditioner" - Cash for A/Cs! Darwin weighs the 30% tax credit for buying energy efficient HVAC systems.
- "Taxes on the Rich are the Poor Man's Burden" - Well put!