Veteran's Day sales are looking pretty solid this year - if you're in the market for some appliances, check out Sears:
Use coupons (capitalized):
APPLIANCE25 (Or sign up at ShopYourWay and grab a $50 off $299 appliance coupon)
HOMEDELIVERY (If the base price is over $500)
$60 off on top of their 20% off most appliances (and 5% more if you go Kenmore, $85 total if you sign up for ShopYourWay). If you've got a Discover Card get 10% more off using ShopDiscover. Yeah, we bought a dishwasher.
Links We Liked!
- JT at Money Mamba had a piece on why stocks fall off the radars of Wall Street - and why your radar might be sensitive enough to pick them up!
- Original Gangster OG at The Free Financial Advisor had a piece analyzing what he saw as some of the things to look forward to in a second Obama term.
- You know those articles powerful enough to stand on their titles? Afford Anything had "Money Doesn't Buy Stuff. It Buys Choices."
- Since I'm the only engineer in Silicon Valley who insists on a collar daily (I jest, but it surely feels like that sometimes), I found Jana at Daily Money Shot's post about what not to wear to work interesting. Of course, engineers can wear anything - and in some circles, it's almost expected you'll get some interesting outfits. The most notable to me? A non-Scottish engineer wears a kilt.
- Ironman at Political Calculations has been tracking the number of publicly traded companies cutting dividends - and notes that every time we get as many as we have lately we've seen a recession. Hopefully we don't see another this soon after the last.
- I Am 1% polls the audience: what is a fair tax rate for the 1%? The rich? The middle class? We've got opinions on this that would require their own post, but check out the fair tax rate discussion going on!
- Control Your Cash channels Dr. House with 'Everyone Lies', with a special focus on financial journalism. Newsflash: Apple shareholders aren't all 'all-in'. Although they neglected another reason the 28 year old may have had few shares of AAPL but it was a high percentage of his wealth: he didn't have a lot of retirement savings! (Oh, and if you are invested in an S&P 500 fund you've got over 4% AAPL right there...)
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