Posts We Liked!
What are you waiting for?
- "A Nightmare on Wall Street" - ready for the Financial Services Oversight Council?
- "The Teen Job Scene in October 2009" - teenagers make up a disproportionate amount of the new unemployed in the current recession. Political Calculations breaks down the numbers and shows the depressing trends.
- "Why Dollar Cost Averaging Makes Sense and Works for Investors" - as you know, I come down in the lump sum investing category, but here's an article about the other side.
- "Credit Card Rewards- Buyer Beware? I Don't Think So." - Darwin is spot on in his analysis of rewards card holders- even if they use their cards more, it doesn't mean they are irresponsible. I'd imagine that people who are spending more money would be drawn to rewards cards, if only to get something back for all the spending they do.
- "Funds or Physical Metal?" was featured in the 230th Carnival of Personal Finance, and the always interesting site The Canadian Finance Blog.
- "California... What...?" was hosted in this week's Carnival of Money Hacks at True Adventures in Money Hacking. Check it out!