Carnival and Links, Week of August 01, 2011

August 22nd, 2020 by 


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  • Now that a framework is in place to increase the debt-ceiling, I'd like to highlight an article by Thomas Sowell on the proceedings.  Key quote: "The one thing that the national debt-ceiling has never done is to put a ceiling on the rising national debt."  Which is true - Congress can just increase the limit when spending comes close, haha.
  • The recession did raise unemployment rates among the 65+ crowd.  Check out this article at Casey Mulligan's Supply and Demand.
  • What is safe to invest in nowadays?  Gold, obviously, yen, a little less obviously, and... peanut butter?  Check out the stats!
  • Go check out "Wall Street Plummets on Debt Fears" over on our top commenter Bret's blog... I share his sentiments on Warren Buffet, as well as some sort of Constitutional amendment on the national budget.
  • Recently, a few quarters of US GDP growth were adjusted downward.  Here's a smattering of economist reactions aggregated by the WSJ.


PK started DQYDJ in 2009 to research and discuss finance and investing and help answer financial questions. He's expanded DQYDJ to build visualizations, calculators, and interactive tools.

PK lives in New Hampshire with his wife, kids, and dog.

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