The DQYDJ Weekender, 2/4/2017

August 22nd, 2020 by 

Go Patriots!

When 'they' say that a three-year-old at daycare is going to get you sick, 'they' aren't lying.  I've spent the last few weeks getting acquainted the germs of a new generation.  Let's try to continue our series on software development in America this week, okay?

Here's some stuff we enjoyed!

Links We Liked!

  • Steve from Steveonomics finally posted up his guide on which watches to buy in which budget.  Nice to see Nomos in there.
  • The WSJ had an interesting article on the shift to contractors from full time workers.  It's a real phenomenon and not just a meme - Alan Krueger and Lawrence Katz estimate that ~94% of jobs created since 2005 have been 'alternative' [pdf].  Your thoughts?  Is it good, bad, or indifferent?
  • Political Calculations looks at the number of companies announcing dividend cuts (monthly), which has been elevated for quite some time.
  • Todd Schneider looks at 100 million taxi trips in Chicago and... well, you'll have to read the post!
  • Our friend Nelson at Financial Uproar looks into how much you could earn while still paying $0 in taxes in retirement in Canada.  (He also discussed a time when a purchaser of his likely committed mortgage fraud!)
  • Funny About Money asks if you tip counter staff when making your own purchases.  Me?  Sometimes if I pay with cash, I'll just dump my change.  Certainly never 30% on a $15+ purchase, though.
  • The NYT calls 'peak Millennial' and claims that cities that have benefited so far from the demographic surge may see a reversal as Millennials hit their child-rearing years.  Well, I'm technically a Millennial and I'm married with two kids - but I live in Silicon Valley, which is essentially one big city.  You tell me your conclusions from that n=1, and from Millennials in general, deal?
  • We sleep on a foam mattress (and sometimes the newborn ends up there at some point in the night), but our friend Sherry at Save. Spend. Splurge. spends her nights on a Japanese futon.  Her experience here.
  • Limit Texas Hold-Em was a 'solved' game already, with computers able to beat human opponents.  Mark another conquest in the drive to the singularity: a no-limit bot beat four top pros in no-limit Texas Hold-em poker.


PK started DQYDJ in 2009 to research and discuss finance and investing and help answer financial questions. He's expanded DQYDJ to build visualizations, calculators, and interactive tools.

PK lives in New Hampshire with his wife, kids, and dog.

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