Since we don't have the Olympics for an excuse now, it's a shame there hasn't been a Weekender lately. Let's correct that with a quick roundup of all the stuff we've been reading in the last little-bit-more-than-a-week, shall we?
So, here's what we've been reading. Let us know what you've read recently in the comments!
Links We Liked!
- It's the interview which most annoyed Econ and Finance Twitter in the last week - Palo Alto's mayor Patrick Burt talked to Curbed. Read it for gems like "We're looking to increase the rate of housing growth, but decrease the rate of job growth."(!)
- At Political Calculations, tracking expected future earnings of S&P 500 companies.
- Our friend Sherry at Save. Spend. Splurge. did some heavy thrifting for two weeks and shares her reflections.
- Nelson at Financial Uproar is predicting poor returns on major world stocks going forward.
- It's nice to see our friend JT from Money Mamba writing again. He shares a crazy story of a night in the slammer and a lot of dead grass.
- Is there really a "use it AND lose it effect?". The University of Melbourne looks at the effect of too many working hours on skills, a topic we recently reviewed superficially in our article about overworkers.
- Paula Pant at Afford Everything had an interesting story about tracking her time in 15 minute intervals, and shares some pointers she learned from the exercise.
- J. Money at Budgets are Sexy ranks avoiding debt higher than having a good credit score. And, apparently, so do the Millennials - what say you? Go weigh in!
- Are rotisserie chickens really a bargain? Priceonomics gets to the bottom of the story.