On this page is a household net worth percentile calculator for the United States. Enter a total net worth to compare it to the net worth distribution in the United States.
Afterwards, don't miss the net worth by age calculator.
Survey results collected from February, 2019 - April, 2020 from the Federal Reserve SCF. This is the most recent data in 2021.
Household Net Worth Percentile Statistics in 2020

Below are some of the summary statistics on net worth this year.
What was the United States average household wealth?
In 2020, average household net worth in the United States was $746,821.
What was the United States median household net worth?
In 2020, median household net worth in the United States was $121,411.
How many US households had $1,000,000 or more in 2020?
In 2020, roughly 15,298,070 households – about 11.8% of American households – was a millionaire household. This number includes (where possible) the value of a primary home.
Where did the top 10% household wealth bracket percentile start in 2020?
The threshold to be in the top 10% of household wealth in 2020 started at $1,219,126.46.
Where did the top 5% household wealth bracket percentile start in 2020?
The threshold to be in the top 5% of household wealth in 2020 started at $2,584,130.26.
What is the top one percent household net worth in the US in 2020?
To be in the top 1% of household wealth in the US in 2020 you needed $11,099,166.07.
(See our one percent in America article if you'd prefer seeing all the ways you can break down the top 1%.)
Source and Methodology on the 2020 Household Net Worth Percentile Calculator
Our longer writeup is in the net worth average, median, and percentile post. In short: data comes from the Federal Reserve's 2019 SCF, released in September, 2020.
Want to see how net worth brackets have evolved? Try one of the past calculators: