Here is a prime factorization calculator, which will find the prime factors of a number. If a prime factor appears multiple times, it will list it in the box. If you enter a prime, it will return only the input itself.
Need a similar tool? Here are related factoring calculators:
Prime Factorization Calculator
What is a Prime Factor?
A factor is an integer which divides another number with no remainder, while a prime factor is a factor which can't be divided further beyond itself and '1'. Prime numbers can not be decomposed evenly beyond themselves.
Take 2 numbers: 6 and 7.
- 6 is divisible evenly by 1 and 6 PLUS 2 and 3. It is not a prime.
- 7 is divisible by 1 and 7 AND NOTHING else. It is a prime.
Using the Prime Factorization Calculator
To use the prime factor calculator, enter a number into the Number to Factor box. Don't touch the Factor Types pull-down; leave it as All Numbers. (You can also show all factors if you choose).
Finally, hit the Factor Number button. The tool returns all prime factors, including multiples of a prime if it shows up more than once in the factorization. If you entered a prime into the tool, you will see only the number itself.
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