Below is a salary percentile calculator for the United States for 2024. Enter a pre-tax or gross salary or wage income earned from January - December 2023 and the tool will return the salary percentile.
Optionally, compare only to full-time workers who typically work a minimum of 30 or 40 hours per week.
(Math and methodology in our average, median, and top 1% salary post)
After see all forms of income and not just salary in the individual income calculator and household income calculator.
Salary Percentiles for the US Salary Distribution in 2024
One category is all workers who earned a wage (and worked at least 40 weeks). The other two also let you see only 'full-time' workers, based on your definition: either 30+ or 40+ hours in a typical week.

What was the median salary in 2024?
In the United States, the median salary was $55,000 in 2024.
What was the average salary in 2024?
In the United States, the average salary was $73,976.56 in 2024. For people working 30+ hours a week it was $79,117.97. For people working 40+ hours a week, it was $82,467.32.
What was the top 1% salary in 2024?
The United States threshold for a top 1% salary was $380,000 in 2024, for those who worked any number of hours. For those who worked 30+ hours a week, and those who worked 40+ hours a week, the top 1% salary was $400,000.
In 2024, what was the threshold for the top 10% salary in the United States?
Top 10% of salaries started at $140,000.00 in the United states in 2024. For those who worked 30+ hours a week, it was $147,500. For those who worked 40+ hours a week, it was $150,000.
In 2024, what was the threshold for the top 5% salary in the United States?
Top 5% of individual wages started at $180,000.00 in the United states in 2024. It started at $192,000 for those who worked 30+ hours a week, and $200,000 for those who worked 40+ hours.
How many people made a $50,000 or higher salary in 2024?
75,771,366 workers – around 57.0% of workers – made wage income of $50,000 or more.
How many people made $100,000 or more in 2024?
27,923,112 workers (~21.0% of individual workers) made a six-figure salary.
How many people made $250,000 or more in 2024?
2.59% of the workforce, somewhere around 3,450,027 workers, made a quarter million or more salary in 2024.
How many people made $500,000 or more in 2024?
About 823,643 workers made half a million or more in salary in 2024. That's around .62% of the workforce.
Source and Methodology on the 2024 Salary Percentile Calculator
Sarah Flood, Miriam King, Renae Rodgers, Steven Ruggles, J. Robert Warren, Daniel Backman, Annie Chen, Grace Cooper, Stephanie Richards, Megan Schouweiler, and Michael Westberry. IPUMS CPS: Version 11.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS, 2023.
For methodology, see the salary bracket post.
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