Happy Thanksgiving - or, at least, I hope you had a happy one. I hope you all bought tons of stuff yesterday so you can do your part to make the economy better for the rest of us.
If you can't get enough Don't quit Your Day Job you can find me (PK) on the Stacking Benjamins Podcast, and you can find Cameron, Bryan and me now syndicated at Seeking Alpha.
Links We Liked!
- Planting our Pennies channels the Wall Street Journal and republishes an editorial from last year's Black Friday - a good one!
- At Funny About Money another (!) article about fending off an unleashed dog. We often see unleashed dogs in the local non-dog park (which is just the height of stupidity with the number of dogs walking through there). Our Pit gets a full no-pull harness (think Martingale) and short leashed when another dog passes. Newsflash: dogs aren't humans.
- Mochimac at SaveSpendSplurge adds another example in favor of the plot of The Millionaire Next Door with personal anecdotes.
- Nelson at Financial Uproar points out that Warren Buffett is still awesome and still beating the stock market, but not by as much as... a young Warren Buffett.
- Free By 50 runs the number on that oh-so-quaint form of payments, checks.
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