It's a brave new world, friends. I gave my wife flowers for Valentine's Day, and her first instinct was to post them on Facebook and tag me in the picture.
As a commentary on Facebook, what does this mean? Facebook is no longer for college students and it's now been taken over by families giving updates on their lives? Or am I just old?
Links We Liked!
- Just like when my friends and I try to call 'turning points' in sports (often sarcastically) before they happen, Burbed is calling bubble-mania in the Bay Area with this $6.5 million scraper in Palo Alto. Buy now or be priced out forever! What could possibly go wrong? You know $2,160 / square feet is a reasonable price to pay to knock down a house!
- On the real estate topic, interesting article in Bloomberg on rents in New York City, and whether the BLS is using the correct methodology for determining rental inflation. Any comments from your hometown?
- It's a travesty we don't have more material from 101 Centavos weekly. Anyone who tracks the 'Redneck Portion' of their stock portfolio deserves more reads.
- JT at MoneyMamba discusses the Google driver-less car. Are we doomed to be passengers in everything in life?
- Catherine Rampell on the New York Times Economix Blog graphs survey results from small business owners about their biggest problems. No, "Government Requirements and Red Tape" wasn't the biggest issue before the election (it was at around 20%, from 10 issues), but now there's roughly a three way tie for the plurality with "Taxes", red tape and "Poor Sales".
- Greg at Control Your Cash is one of those enlightened writers in the Personal Finance sphere who knows what an opportunity cost is. But, yeah, by all means... pay off that 3.25% mortgage immediately!
- AEI has the teen unemployment rate calculations versus the previous minimum wage increases between 2007 and 2009.
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