Happy Birthday (yesterday), Mom!
Links We Liked!
- At Financial Uproar, a paean to working... even if you have the ability not to work. (Of course a site sarcastically named Don't Quit Your Day Job is going to link to it!).
- At the St. Louis Fed, an interested quick look at oil prices versus inflation expectations... what if lower oil prices will be the norm for a while now?
- Political Calculations digs up a construction method video - three stories in a day? Really? All my brain is screaming "danger"... but modular building methods are becoming advanced.
- Why is the Middle Class so stressed?
- Free By 50 does the math on homeownership rates by state.
- Our friend MM @ Save. Spend. Splurge. discusses her work experiences with the second half of the Millennial Generation.
- From Mark Thoma, a slightly technical article on macroeconomic models before and after (and rebuilding!) after the financial crisis. Also, ducks.