The DQYDJ Weekender 4/21/2013

August 22nd, 2020 by 

Links We Liked!

  • The (Economics) news of the week was the Microsoft Excel bug which changes the results of the Reinhart and Rogoff study on Debt to GDP and economic growth.  (R&R response 1, 2).  This is the study often cited to claim that 90% debt to GDP is the dropoff point for Economic Growth (although it is debatable that should be read from the paper).
  • At can you believe that the A above Middle C, nominally 440 Hz in frequency, has been a constantly shifting value?  It's even come into question in the last 20 years.  Crazy stuff.
  • At Timeless Finance, Adina tackles the timeless financial question, "should you put more effort into spending less or earning more?".
  • Here's an account of a little known story: the hacktivist group Anonymous and the Mexican Drug Cartel Los Zetas had a showdown a few years back.
  • Freakonomics has recently been discussing the importance of names.  Here's a follow up piece with a number of links.
  • Nelson at Financial Uproar chases down an unintentionally poignant piece on carefully considering your options before quitting your job or getting a degree you will never use.
  • At 101 Centavos, an argument for paying more than market price.  At a naive level: why not, if it's worth more to you than the general market?  (Contrived example: a lot adjacent to your property).  And yes, I wouldn't hire a sketchy contractor who hit on my wife.  It's happened here, too...
  • At The Big Picture - a visualization of the top 500 most influential economics bloggers.  No, Cameron isn't on there.  Neither is yours truly ('Writers about Economics'?  It could work...).  New goal for 2014?
  • At Marginal Revolution, a look at two papers on sharing data (in light of the R&R discussion).  Only around 10% of papers release partial or full data sets - here at DQYDJ if you view source you can find any of our data sets on our calculators, and the rest we explain how to get them.  And why do we do that?  Marketwatch claims 88% of Spreadsheets have errors.  You are our peer review!

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PK started DQYDJ in 2009 to research and discuss finance and investing and help answer financial questions. He's expanded DQYDJ to build visualizations, calculators, and interactive tools.

PK lives in New Hampshire with his wife, kids, and dog.

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