The title says it all - we've been maintaining and supporting this website for six years as of today.
That's right - six years and 892 published articles (893 now!) taking you all the way from HSA Arbitrage to the median (and 90th percentile) income of females from ages 18-66 over various years since 1992.
I won't weigh down your Weekender with unnecessary odes to ourselves - we'll let the quality of our archives do the talking.
There will only be one post next week, but trust us - it's a huge one. One a lot of you have asked for... for quite some time.
Late edit: AdSense reminded me about my blatant money grab on day 1!
Links We Liked!
- What's this? Active managers generating alpha over the passive S&P 500 in the recent past?
- Political Calculations has a very interesting way of graphing company dividend cut announcements - go see how Q2, 2015 is shaping up!
- Nelson at Financial Uproar is also celebrating a milestone - 1,000 posts over at Financial Uproar. (And he started after us!)
- San Jose hit a dubious milestone, as chronicled by Burbed: the median "used" single family home is now selling for $900,000. That's 11x the (very high, nationally) median income of roughly $80-81k. What bubble?
- From the "Really?" department, people who overshare details about relationships in Facebook statuses have lower self-esteem.
- A Wealth of Common Sense charts all of the "called tops" in the current bull market.
- Cashville Skyline also believes in a very high savings rate. Increase yours!
- I was shocked to read this advice in the WSJ to wash your clothes after you buy them. I always figured the "chemicals" excuse was an overreaction - but hey, I'm a convert.
- An interesting update from the PoPs on their solar panel install. Considering I live in California, it's happening here eventually...
- Short and sweet from Save.Spend.Splurge: are you on the side of the wealthy?