A whole week in the books, and three articles in a row which didn't even have a whiff of finance about them. (Go ahead, you make the argument that fitness and finance are related, I suppose we'll allow it.)
We do appreciate (probably) being the first finance blog to make Hackaday, though. Maybe we'll improve our project at some point?
Links We Liked!
- Len Penzo dons his green eyeshade and takes a closer look at tipping practices (and their corresponding inflation over the years.) What do you give for poor service? Average?
- Debt Blag proposes sock simplification in order to avoid the missing sock problem.
- Sandi Martin discusses multi dimensional optimization problems (click it, I'm mostly joking) when it comes to your finances.
- Nelson at Financial Uproar discusses the issues with overcomplicated investment advice - when most folks could best use 'easy'.
- Political Calculations discusses how social networks can predict the most likely victims of gun violence.
- MMM @ SSS discusses the sacrifices she has making as a new mother.