Welcome to another glorious Weekender with your leader PK!
Hope you had a tremendous summer. We're back in the fall swing of things, and I'm going to try to ensure you get an extra dose of DQYDJ weekly - that's right, we're going back to three articles a week. Fitting that it comes at the end of Shark Week? What other way would you mark this momentous occasion.
So yeah, get an extra dose of our special snark weekly here at Don't Quit Your Day Job! (To get a verbal dose, we hope you've been listening to us ramble at the Two Guys and your Money Podcast. If not? Go catch up!)
Links We Liked!
- The article of the week definitely goes to Jana from Daily Money Shot - who begs an anonymous writer to quit complaining about her (admittedly, currently bad) lot in life and, you know, start fixing it. It's true - people go through some crappy situations in life, but how you deal with the good and the bad says a lot about who you are. So, readers, handle the good and the bad times with a bit of grace!
- Funancials shares a fun list of behaviors to make sure you're doing if you want to perform horribly in the stock market. Especially poignant? Buying high and selling low - because only in the stock market do we treat sales as a bad thing...
- Flexo at Consumerism Commentary asks if Congress should eliminate the capital gains tax. Remember - it's a fundamental law of Economics that if you want less of something, tax it. Keep that in mind when you carefully weigh in with your answer! (And consider what that means for the income tax, cigarette tax, gas tax, etc.)
- New-to-me site My Money Design carried an article on the 'poor' having two or more flat screen TVs. I can't fit my commentary into a few lines, so I'll have to expand on this one but... a rising tide lifts all boats. Even the small ones.
- My podcast boss Joe at the Free Financial Advisor has an original piece on saving a bit of cash on college - by buying a house near the school! You need to read this one.
- Control Your Cash always reminds us that "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son". This applies to everyone - don't get caught up on the androcentric word choice, I mean that quote to be gender-inclusive. This week, whether you're a he or a she, hit the gym.
- Free By 50 carries a post about the so-called unbanked (or underbanked), and the reasons they find themselves in that category.
Links to Us!
- Carnival of Wealth
- Carnival of Financial Discipline
- Carnival of Money Pros
- Yakezie Carnival
- The Free Financial Advisor