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(It was my birthday this week; give me a break.)
Links We Liked
- Bret at Hope to Prosper wrote a piece (!) on maximizing your income. Go read.
- To assure you we aren't the only people obsessing over the NCAA's absurdity, here is a fifth lawsuit filed against the NCAA by players who had lasting effects from college injuries and didn't play in the NFL. Hey, that sounds like our exact argument!
- And a striking blow to amateurism - a class certification by athletes over the use of their images in marketing!
- Debt Blag shares how to eat an entire apple - other than the seeds.
- Planting Our Pennies reminds us that, yes, money can buy happiness.
- The world is becoming overpopulated? Whatever - go argue your Malthusian theories with Bill Gates.
- At Afford Anything, Paula invites Brandon Turner of BiggerPockets to discuss building his real estate empire before the age of 30. Nicely detailed, as far as a single piece can go!
- An awesome rant from our friend MochiMac at SaveSpendSplurge - you can't rely on "the system" to raise your kids. You've got to do some parenting yourself...
- Jason Hull coins a new term - Passive Income, Retire Early!
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