Happy Valentine's Day, good people! Our gift to you was a marriage related article (We're expanding our repertoire! Is this site maturing?) and the new social stats you see to the right ->. It updates Twitter Followers and Facebook fans every 15 minutes, and Feedburner Subscribers every 12 hours. I'm still working the kinks out, but my plan is to use average Feedburner subscribers over a week, instead of a number that fluctuates crazily every day - by as much as 40%! Also, Feedburner occasionally returns '0'. In that case it'll take a cached number... so it's possible that the Feedburner count could eventually become stale. C'mon Google!
Note that I wrote is custom code (php, for what it's worth. I know you're used to my javascript...). If any of your have a site, hit me up in the comments and I'll send you the code when it's completed!
Carnivals and Links
Who linked to DQYDJ this week? (Incidentally, we had our highest traffic day since 2010 during the Scott Brown election. And no, we didn't approach that 3 day run... maybe soon?).
Maybe the appropriate lyric would be "Light of the Love that I Found" (free link next week to the first commenter who gets it!)
- The Yakezie Carnival @ 101 Centavos
- Money Mamba
- Novel Investor
- Master the Art of Saving
- Rambling Fever Money
- Thad Thoughts
- Financial Uproar
- Money Trail Blog
Links We Liked
- Our good friend Paul at the Frugal Toad launched a new site, Blogger Classifieds. I demand you check it out!
- Pinterest with a Y Chromosome! Manteresting - from fellow blogger Punch Debt in the Face.
- The Financial God writes an insightful post on the minimum wage versus the economy of American Samoa.
- Buy another blog? Yes... some people can pull it off like our friend Corey at Passive Income to Retire! (He's living proof. Check out 20's Finances)
- Kevin at Invest it Wisely disregarded our advice and quit his day job! Godspeed!
- Thad had a Thought: how do you keep your passwords handy?
- The I Am 1% Blog (Seriously, check them out. In fact, occupy their site! Everything I want to say was summarized by fellow writer JT McGee) posted an article about credit card strategies.
Go see the solitary post I made on Manteresting, so far. Like it?
Over. See you next week!