On this page is a fraction simplifier or a simplify fractions tool. Enter your faction and we will attempt to reduce it to its most basic form to make it easier to work with in equations.
Not quite the right tool? Here are the related calculators:
- Greatest Common Factor (GCF) Calculator
- Least Common Denominator (LCD) Calculator
- Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) Calculator
Simplify Fractions Calculator
How to Simplify a Fraction (Plus an Example)
A simple fraction (or vulgar fraction) is a fraction expressed as an integer over another integer – for example, 1/3, 2/5, and 3/9.
But as you can see, sometimes simple fractions are equivalent. In this case, both 1/3 and 3/9 are the same number – roughly 33.333%. These are known as equivalent fractions.
For fractions that can be reduced further – while still staying in the simple fraction form – you take the greatest common factor of both. If they both share a non-1 factor, you can divide the numerator and denominator to find a smaller fraction.
Let's look at 3/9's prime factorization and list out all primes:
As you can see, both numerator and denominator can be divided by 3. Now, let's reduce 3/9:
And now as you can see, 1/3 and 3/9 are equivalent fractions.
How to Use the Fraction Simplifier
To simplify a fraction, simply enter the numerator/top number (on the left side) and the denominator/lower number (on the right side) of the input but. Then, hit the Simply Fraction button and we'll reduce it to the most basic simple fraction.