This page contains an equivalent fractions calculator. Enter a fraction and we'll reduce it to its simplest fraction form, and show you a number of fraction equivalents.
Simplify Fractions Calculator
What are Equivalent Fractions?
Equivalent fractions are fractions which use different numbers in the numerator and denominator but represent the same proportion of a whole. Since a fraction implies division, they are any other division which equals the same decimal amount.
Example Equivalent Fractions
The most basic fraction most people think of is 1/2, which represents 50% or .5 in decimal. However, note you can also represent the number 1 as a fraction - namely, it can be 1/1.
And that's not all. 1/1 is equivalent to any other fraction which divides to one... and they're easy to calculate:
And the interesting part is you can now multiply all those equivalent fractions of 1/1 to find equivalent fractions for any other number!
How to Use the Equivalent Fractions Tool
To find a long list of equivalent fractions, simply enter the denominator and numerator of your fraction in the Fraction box. Then, hit the List Equivalent Fractions button and the tool will start doing some math.
Once complete, the tool will list the fraction itself, its reduced or simplest form, then a number of equivalent fractions in the Equivalent Fractions box.