On this page is a days from now calculator, or – if you change the date – a days from a date calculator. Either compute your choice of days from now, or your choice of days from a date.
Days From Date Calculator
Using the Days From Date Calculator
To use the days from now tool, just enter two inputs:
- Start Date: Enter the day where you'd like to start counting days. By default, today's date (but you can change it).
- Number of Days from Start: The number of days you'd like the tool to count from your start date.
When happy, hit 'Calculate From Date'. You'll see two outputs:
- Date: A spelled out date your choice of days form the start date (so you can make sure the tool understood your input). It will tell you the day of the week as well.
- Date (Clean): Just the date your choice of days from the start date.

Days From Date Calculator Questions
The tool only has a few inputs, but it still generates a few questions. Here's what you need to know about the tool.
Does the days from date calculator include leap years?
Yes, the tool factors in leap years. If you choose an amount of days which crosses a February 29 in some year, it will be factored into the result.
What happens if you open this tool at midnight?
Don't worry – your computer won't attempt to balance between two days, it'll pick a side. (And if you don't like the date it picks you can change it!)
Date, Age, and Time Calculators. Plus Others!
Try our other date, time, and birthday calculators:
- Days between two dates calculator
- Hours calculator
- Minutes calculator
- Age difference calculator
- Age on any date calculator
- Days until date calculator
- Days since date calculator
Beyond that, see our other calculators