That Raspberry Pi/Hadoop article got quite a bit more traction than I expected!
Like I implied in that piece, most of the data we work with here on DQYDJ fits on disk (if not in RAM...). Still, I'm glad folks are responding to the piece - keep it coming in comments/email, and let us know if you do end up building something!
Here are the current stats on my cluster:
pi@RaspberryPiHadoopMaster:~ $ uptime
17:04:35 up 12 days, 16:48, 3 users, load average: 0.16, 0.09, 0.06
Also, I drafted my fantasy teams:
Yeah, I'll do something about Gronk today. Too bad, but it's only one week (Brady went for $15 in that league).
To the articles!
Links We Liked!
- At Political Calculations, a continuation of economy wide dividend tracking in Q3 2016. See where aggregate company dividends are trending!
- At Boomer & Echo, Marie visits and details the simple 50% - 20% - 30% approach as an option for managing your money.
- Our friend Steve, fellow Silicon Valley resident, also detailed his thoughts on the current value of homes.
- Nelson at Financial Uproar shares some news: that story about Fidelity finding dead account owners performed best was... hyperbole? I know we reported on it here - pretty crazy; but yes, for the typical investor, the less you touch your investments the better!
- As a computer engineer, it's easy to get excited about great builds with heavy constraints - check out this Lisp Interpreter on an ATmega328!
- At A Wealth of Common Sense, a piece on Survivorship Bias and an interesting note on hedge fund returns including Long Term Capital Management... or not.
- Our friend Jeremy at Go Curry Cracker checks in to tell us his experiences while traveling to about a new country per month with his son.
- And last but certainly not least, Sherry at Save. Spend. Splurge. asks what would happen if we lost our current personal Gmail accounts. Now that's a world I don't want to live in!