On this page is an hourly to salary converter. Enter your hourly pay, the number of weeks you work a year, and the hours you work in a week and we'll convert that to an annual salary.
Hourly to Salary Converter
What would you earn for a salary based on your hourly rate?
There are two common ways for your rate of pay to be quoted:
- An annual rate, known as an annual wage or salary (or)
- An hourly rate, which is tallied up and paid out at the end of a fixed period
Because a salary is more day-to-day agnostic and an hourly rate can vary in effort, it can be difficult to compare the two. However, if you can make a good guess at how many weeks you'll work and the number of hours you'll average, it's straightforward to see your salary.
For example, let's say you make $23.50 an hour. You expect to work 48 weeks this year, and work 45 hours a week:
\$23.50*48*45=\$50,760\ salary
In this way, you can convert between the two.
What's a good hourly wage?
It's hard to say exactly what a good hourly pay is because there are so many variables. However, we maintain tools which show average and distribution of income and income by age which can help you decide if a job is worth it.
Using the Hourly to Salary Converter
To use the hourly rate to salary calculator, you need to find (or guess at) three numbers:
- Hourly Pay: How much you are paid every hour
- Work Weeks per Year: The number of weeks you will work every calendar year
- Hours Worked per Week: The number of hours you will work in an average week
Enter those three things into the tool and hit Convert Hourly Pay to Salary and we'll give you an equivalent salary estimate.
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