On this page is a degrees to percentage slope calculator, which will return a measurement as a percentage slope or percentage grade when you start with degrees.
Degrees to Percentage Slope Calculator
Formula for Converting Degrees to Percentage Slope
The formula for converting degrees to percentage slope starts with converting to radians. Next, you use the tangent on your radians which leaves you with a percentage slope:
slope\ in\ radians=\frac{slope\ in\ degrees*\\pi}{180} \\ \\ slope\ in\ percentage=tan(slope\ in\ radioans)
Using the Degrees to Percentage Slope Calculator
To use the degrees to percentage slope calculator, first determine the degrees of slope of the object you'd like to convert. Then, click the Calculate Percentage Slope button to complete the conversion.
To perform the inverse operation, try our percentage slope to degrees calculator.
Please enjoy our other calculators and tools, or see all trigonometric function calculators or inverse trigonometric functions calculators.